Friday, August 5, 2011

Cocktail of the Week: Summer Sangria

I came across this interesting article earlier today, on pairing fish and wine. (Sneak peak: it's not all white wines, and it's not all salmon!) While looking through the extensive list of pairings, I started to get thirsty. Really thirsty. But not for a glass of wine. My hankering was for something cold. And sweet. As the pieces came together in my minds eye: wine, cold, sweet, the cocktail of the week snapped in to focus: Summer Sangria! It's fruity, refreshing, and since it's mixed the night before, it'll be ready as soon as you get home from work!
1 orange, sliced into wedges
1 lemon, sliced into wedges
2 limes, sliced into wedges
1 apple, sliced into wedges
1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
1 cup rum
1 bottle dry red wine
1 can lemon-lime soda (to taste)
1 cup orange juice (to taste)

Mix the orange, lemon, limes, apple, and pineapple together, with the cup of rum. Let it sit at least between 2 and 24 hours in the fridge.
Gently smash the fruits with a spoon, and stir in the red wine, lemon-lime soda, and orange juice. Stir gently and taste. Add more wine, rum, orange juice, or soda, depending on taste. Don't drink it too quickly, this one will sneak up on you!

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